Legal and Privacy Policy

About This Site

The main purpose of the Teamsters Benefit Trust web site is to provide information about the collectively bargained TBT Plans. However, the posted information does not substitute for the official Plan documents and other materials available only in printed form.

The web site uses hyperlinks to help visitors navigate through the web site and quickly find information of interest. For example, important terms are underlined which when selected link the reader to definitions or explanations. These Plan terms have been highlighted for these sole purposes. If you have questions about this web site, contact the TBT Plan Administration Office.

Your Health Information and Privacy

The health benefit plan options offered under the Plan comply with the applicable health information privacy requirements in Title II of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the applicable federal regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. Click here to review TBT’s Health Information and Privacy Requirements.

Click here to print the form needed to provide the TBT Plan Administration Office with your written permission to use or disclose specific health information: TBT Authorization to Obtain and Disclose Personal Health Information.


For security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to online visitors, Plan representatives monitor web site traffic to identify any unauthorized attempts to upload or otherwise alter data, programming language, or any other part of the Plan systems, or otherwise cause damage. Any such attempts to upload or change Plan information are strictly prohibited and are subject to civil action and/or criminal prosecution. Plan representatives will track visitors to this web site only when such illegal activity is suspected.


The Teamsters Benefit Trust web site is protected by applicable copyright laws. You may print or copy information for your own personal use—but you cannot sell, publish, or distribute this information or use it for commercial purposes. No permission is granted to distribute, modify, post or frame any text, graphics, video, audio, software code or user interface design or logos. Any third party marks appearing on this web site are the property of their respective owners. All other marks appearing on this web site are the property of the Teamsters Benefit Trust.